Introducing our resident caretaker, PJ Sarkar

PJ (right) had an inside look at the ESPN film production of the Duck vs Brutus promotional spot.

PJ (right) had an inside look at the ESPN film production of the Duck vs Brutus promotional spot.

My name is PJ Sarkar and I am the new Resident Caretaker here at 729 East 11th Avenue in Eugene. I wanted to take this opportunity to also introduce myself as well as give you all an update on some house projects/ improvements. I will start by saying that I pride myself in being an East Coast personality and a born and bred North New Jersian. After graduating high school, I decided to mission west and complete my undergraduate degree at the Arizona State University in Political Science & History, as well as my master’s in Legal Studies from the ASU Sandra Day O’Connor School of Law (focused in Contracts & Dispute Resolution).

During my undergraduate career, I also had the privilege to be a Founding Father of the Phi Kappa Psi, Arizona- Beta chapter. Having been able to see the colonizing process through from August 2017 to our official charter in February 2020, it was an exhilarating experience to have had a steady hand in manicuring a branch of future Phi Psi's. I hope to utilize my own experiences in providing aid to the rechartering process for Oregon Alpha, who will very likely go through the same throes that I did just a few years ago at Arizona Beta.

Fast forward to my time here in Eugene, I now find myself in a gap year before establishing residency for tuition purposes and further pursing my legal education at UO Law. Since my move in late July, I’ve become well acclimated to campus and its surroundings. Outside of my role as resident caretaker, I am actively looking for opportunities to expand my professional breadth and potentially take on employment as a legal researcher/law clerk.

PJ lives in the old house mother’s quarters and oversees our tenant, Alpha Sigma Phi

PJ lives in the old house mother’s quarters and oversees our tenant, Alpha Sigma Phi

As far as the status of the house, the transition from JJ [previous caretaker] to PJ has been altogether smooth & without any issues whatsoever. Having the opportunity to shadow JJ for a few weeks in the summer really helped get my bearings & that can be reflected in the condition of the house. Prior to Alpha Sigma Phi’s move in date, several home improvements were made; this includes carpet shampooing, lawn care/ grass seeding, hedge trimming, debris clearing (old plywood, sheet metal, branches, old paint, etc.). We have an electrician coming to the house on October 12th to fix some lights/ plugs as well as a wiring issue with the one of the front façade lighting fixtures. As the year goes on, I will be sure to keep you all updated with some of the smaller home improvement projects that Craig & I have been cooking up.

Phi Psi delivered the property in great condition. Alpha Sig took possession of the house on Friday, September 17th. Since that weekend, all residents have been moved in without issue. They have been compliant & cordial tenants, showing great consideration for the house and its amenities. Every Sunday, the group orchestrates a top-down house cleaning. I have overseen the cleaning in past weekends, and it has been a polished effort that really held its shine for most of the week. The common areas are well kept, and hallways are left unobstructed. Alpha Sig’s Executive Board has been authoritative & unflinching, which I believe are some primary ingredients needed to maintain a house such as ours. As the year goes on I will be sure to keep the board updated on whatever developments may come about in the house.

A side note that I had neglected to mention before, ESPN’s visit to the house in late August was iconic to say the least. The film crew spent a whole day taking some great shots of the house, inside and out, and it was thrilling to watch it unfold behind the scenes.

Best regards,

PJ Sarkar

(Editors Note: PJ is the second resident caretaker hired by the House Corporation to live in the house and oversee our tenants. It has been a very successful practice that we plan to continue when our own chapter move back in.)

PJ Sarkar