Century Club

The Chapter Advisory Board has a goal of raising $65,000 by June 2024 to support the chapter in this pivotal year. The money raised help pay for our expansion consultant and programming to help the chapter develop and recruit so we will have a fully functioning fraternity. It will also help the House Corporation Board focus its limited resources on the chapter house itself. All donors will be acknowledged in Duck Tales and on a plaque in the den.

Giving Levels

The three giving levels are named after significant milestones in the original formation of the chapter. We also welcome donations of less than $250 to help us reach our goal.

Owl’s Club: Named after the original social club founded in 1919. Donation of $1000.

“Phi Psi shaped me as a man and continues to this day with all of the brothers I see each year at Tahoe and communicate with throughout the year. 729 Forever.”
- Kevin Robertson

Kappa Theta Chi: The Greek name adopted in 1921. Donation of $500.

“The amazing men of Oregon Alpha are my lifelong friends.” - Jon Wollmuth

Oregon Alpha: The chapter name granted by Phi Kappa Psi in 1923. Donation of $250.

“Joining PKP was one of the best decisions I ever made. It enhanced all facets of my college experience…and gave me lifelong friendships.”
- Adam Harris


Make your donation today using our secure online payment processing system (accepts all major credit cards). If you prefer, you can mail a check to: Oregon Phi Kappa Psi Association, c/o Mike Petitt, 11128 NW Malia Lane, Portland OR 97229. Donations are not tax deductible.

Donate Today!


If you have any questions about how to make a donation, what the money will be used for, or anything else, just contact us here.



Thank you to the brothers who have supported this campaign with their donations.

Mike Billings (‘87, 1197)
John Byers (‘76, 923)
Greg Gilbert ( ‘85, 1135)
Richard Hammond (‘64, 730)
Travis Haynes (‘95, 1384)
George Hosfield (‘76, 942)
Lance Hungerford (‘83, 1095)
Steve Isaak (‘86, 1179)
Chris Kahn (‘85, 1155)
Sean Kerr (‘85, 1146)
Grant Kimball (‘84, 1124)
Chris Kolosvary (‘84, 1107)
Robert Komin (‘81, 1049)
Scott Leighton (‘23, 1784)
Shawn Menashe (‘97, 1402)
Brent Monroe (‘91, 1307)
Eric Mueller (‘93, 1340)
Mike Petitt (‘88, 1232)
Kevin Robertson (‘77, 947)
David Scoville (‘64, 746)
Craig Stockbridge (‘87, 1196)
Bradley Thompson (‘88, 1220)
Mitch Vance (‘82, 1066)
Greg Van Dyke (‘83, 1091)

Ward Beck (‘64, 739)
Mark Billings (‘89, 1246)
Stephen Cole (‘64, 740)
Justin Cook (‘93, 1341)
Brian Dunahugh (‘93, 1344)
Craig Finta (‘67, 828)
Mike Garvey (‘65, 775)
Kevin Joshi (‘84, 1112)
Erik Lund (‘88, 1215)
Shawn McElmoyl (‘83, 1099)
Randall Ohlendorf (‘74, 908)
Steve Sherk (‘87, 1202)
Steve Such (‘90, 1272)
Rob Taylor (‘83, 1093)
Larry Ullman (‘74, 898)
Chris Wheelwright (‘81, 1059)
Jon Wollmuth (‘89, 1242)

Chip Barker (‘82, 1064)
Nicole Burnham (Parent)
Matt Cordova (‘91, 1292)
John Ghilarducci (‘81, 1026)
Adam Harris (‘93, 1348)
James Hauck (‘64, 737)
Chris Holden (‘91, 1308)
David Komer (‘92, 1321)
Eric Larson (‘84, 1106)
Colin Petitt (‘14, 1639)
Terry Prater (‘63, 711)
Bob Reid (‘66, 785)
Bill Schaller (‘84, 1115)
Berkeley Smith (‘67, 817)
Kent Voronaeff (‘85, 1153)

John Gallaway (‘62, 678)
Tim Irons (‘95, 1379)
Tom Jacobus (‘64, 735)
Benjamin Kirsch (‘98, 1430)
Bruce Overstreet (‘82, 1069)
Vernon Peck (‘65, 702)
Collin Wiseman (‘13, 1587)