The Highest Standards

For the last two years, alumni officers and volunteers have been planning for the return of the chapter. It all starts with a new vision and a set of high standards to guide us.


Chapter Re-chartering

The Oregon Alpha chapter started the re-chartering process at the University of Oregon in the Fall 2021 term! The timing and the conditions are great for our return.

Learn More


Get Involved

The long-term success of the chapter will ultimately rest on the shoulders of the alumni who will provide guidance, structure, programming and brotherhood to the undergraduate members. The chapter needs your help to thrive. Here are just a few ways you can help.



Participate in a committee of brothers to help with the chapter, mentoring, communications and others.


Help build our career and life mentoring program to create an experience young men can only get at Phi Psi.

house jobs

Choose from a list of jobs you can do on your own time and at your pace. Low badge gets the best ones!