Fall 2022 update from the chapter

Dear Oregon Alpha Alumni,

My name is Tyler Bird and I am the current President of the Oregon Alpha chapter. On behalf of our chapter, I’d like to take this time to update you on our progress thus far this quarter.

This past year has been an incredible learning experience for us all. Most of us are new to the Greek Life ecosystem and to speak honestly, I believe we have hit the ground running this term. At this time, we have six accepted bids and three bids outstanding. We are aiming to close this quarter with an 100% increase in membership and we are proud of our efforts; especially those of our Recruitment Chair, Ethan Burnham and his committee.

Though rush is over for many chapters on campus, our recruitment period will continue through the rest of this academic year. At the end of the rush season, the Fraternity Sorority Leadership office releases a ‘no-bids’ list containing all the names of people who registered for Rush but did not receive a bid. It is worth noting that the release of this list has been delayed for close to two weeks now.

In the meantime, we will continue to work with the individuals we have. This week (10/17) marks the start of our post rush recruitment process. We have planned a number of on campus tabling sessions as well as a BBQ mixer at one of our live out houses. I am confident that we will be able to add to our membership at these events. It is also worth noting that our interest database has seen a significant improvement as we continue to keep concise records on all of our PNM’s (Potential New Members).

Joining a group as freshly minted as ours may seem daunting to some, but for others it is a welcomed opportunity to help us make a name for ourselves on this campus again. As it stands today, we aim to end the Fall Quarter with a minimum of 16 active brothers. After speaking with P.J., who functions as our connection to Nationals and Chartering Advisor, this number would make us the largest colony of Phi Kappa Psi in the country.

In closing, we as a colony recognize that much of our success would not be possible without your continued support, both morally and financially. We want to thank the Chapter Advisory Committee for giving us direction, to the Housing Corporation for maintaining the historical 729 E 11th, which we would be honored to one day occupy, and to the Brothers of Phi Kappa Psi Oregon Alpha who continue to show an undying commitment to our mutual cause.

We look forward to introducing you all to the newest additions to our brotherhood.

High High High!

The Undergraduate Men of ΦΚΨ Oregon Alpha

Oregon PhiPsi