Chapter house stars on ESPN

In August, ESPN producer Jon Fish (Phi Psi alumnus from Ohio State) asked if they could film a promotional spot at the famous “Omega House” from the Animal House movie. He explained the “Duck versus Brutus” concept where the Oregon Duck would be using our chapter house as its training ground for the big matchup against Ohio State. And, of course, we said yes!

The ESPN crew spent two days in Eugene filming the spot with great secrecy. Our resident caretaker, PJ Sarkar, and chapter advisor Steve Such (‘90, 1272) hosted the ESPN team and got an inside view of the production.

“ESPN’s visit to the house was iconic to say the least,” said PJ. “The film crew spent the whole day taking some great shots of the house, inside and out, and it was thrilling to watch it unfold behind the scenes.”

Finally, on the September 11 College Game Day show, the final product was revealed. Despite concern from a Duck cheerleader, the Duck was determined to go to Columbus to take on Brutus. As we all know, the Duck came out on top 35-28. The score is settled. The Oregon Duck is the superior mascot.

Grant Kimball